
The many lives I have seen... 

The many Lives I have lived... 

I tire of them all, I tire of existing...

* We are the Undead Souls and mine is Restless… 

* We are stuck in these human lives again... 

* facing there world and mess…

Just to rest, just to sleep eternally... 

To be done with all this pain... 

All this suffering, lost loves, and misery... 

How could anyone want this, to never rest?

*We are the Undead Souls and mine is Restless… 

* We are stuck in these human lives again... 

* facing there world and mess…

Call me Devil, Demon, or what you will... 

Never-ending Darkness is always best... 

But it has a price of solitude and loneliness inside... 

Never-ending death and always restlessness... 

Undead Souls – we always seem to come back for more


© Rev. JP Vanir

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