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  1. Thank you for joining and welcome to the one stop place for Vampyre, Pagan and LPH Spirituality! This is the NEWER (as of 2020) Vampyre Temple for United Vampyrian Universalism Pagan as well as divinity, unity, support, and strength. Our purpose is to unite and educate Vampyres on their abilities, capabilities as well as focus on the spirituality of Vampyrism. You can find our library here:, please read our rules and services (click here) and Join our Ritual Room (click here)

    If you are a Vampyre seeking a donor or a donor seeking a Vampyre check out our Donor Database (click here)

    Our books and services are available here: 

    You can find me on facebook here: My EMAIL: [email protected] ~ Twitter: ~ Our facebook group is here: P/ ~ Like our FaceBook page:  and