
Disclaimer: This is NOT to take place of seeking medical help from your doc, emergency room or whomever you use for your medical professional.) (Disclaimer: Cutting can cause infections and scarring. This author or group does NOT recommends this practice or any other.) 


Always clean the area to cut first. This means also to WASH YOUR HANDS. Do not cut near any visible blood vessels. (Talking about main arteries and veins.) In case of an medical emergency, seek help from a professional right away. Remember that where you cut, you run a chance of leaving a visible scar. The deeper the cut the bigger the scar. Tanning makes a scar stand out more. Vitamin E oil will help reduce a scar appearance. A place where clothes will cover works well.


For females: remember a bra rubbing the area you have cut is NOT fun. Where you cut (remember) it will be sore. Keep in mind you will have to protect it until it heals and if an article of clothing will irritates it. By this I mean, say you have to wear gloves in your work. The friction from the glove will make the cut take longer to heal. Cutting in a row will get you branded a cutter. Cutting in the same place every time will be harder to explain. Oops cut myself on a knife will only work so many times. It will also make the skin itself tougher to deal with. If needed take Tylenol (acetaminophen) to help with discomfort. Keep the cut clean and dry. Wash it thoroughly with bacterial soap. -This is the most important step to take and should be
done 1 or 2 times a day.


Make sure you rinse well and dry completely. Putting an antibiotic ointment will help it heal. Just make sure you use a q-tip instead of your fingers. *Cover with a non stick dressing if in an area that may get dirty or irritated. If using a dressing apply directly over the cut and wrap loosely. (gauze or ace bandage).
to help reduce the chance of it getting infected do not touch your cut with your hands or other
objects. Handle the cut as little as you can. Cuts to the arms or legs should be elevated for the first 24-48 hours.


Signs of Infection:

redness; swelling; pain; pus; red streaks, if you see any of these signs seek medical attention

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