
Original Link: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/teaaddictedwitch/2018/02/magical-protection-need/




First of all, the two best books I’ve found on this topic are by Jason Miller, which is Protection and Reversal Magick. The second is Magickal Protection by Damon Brand. Both are super useful and will go into this topic in far greater detail than I possibly could in a single blog post.

Secondly, there are a variety of techniques which are more or less useful depending on what you are dealing with.

  • If you’re dealing with a spirit, especially fae or djinn, carrying iron and/or steel on you is very useful. If the attacks are happening at night, wearing an iron or steel barrette on your head can help you get the necessary sleep you need. Just be aware that it may dampen your own psychic abilities a bit, but if you’re desperate for that good night’s uninterrupted sleep, it’ll help. You can also carry iron nails.
  • The Magical Protection Ritual in Damon Brand’s book as mentioned above is fantastic. If you do that over the recommended 33 days it’ll not only help to protect you but will also act as a road opening ritual.
  • If you are pagan, particularly of the Greek polytheistic variety, carrying and/or wearing a Gorgon amulet may be useful to you. You can dedicate it in a ritual for that purpose if you wish, or even ask Hekate to bless it for you for that very purpose. Hekate is an excellent goddess to turn to in these sorts of matters. You can also research within your own faith what makes for a good apotropaic symbol or charm.
  • Maintaining good spiritual, psychic, and magical hygiene will especially be important during this time. Clean up after yourself, keep up with regular banishing and/or cleansing-purification rituals, and keep a journal to monitor how things are going with your practice.
  • Whatever you do, do NOT stop your regular practice. Maintaining it will help you in the long run, especially if it involves anything of a theurgical nature, appealing to guardian spirits and/or deities, etc. Maintain your current spirit and divine relationships at this time.
  • If you belong to a particular faith, research what divine forces or spirits within it are of a protective and/or apotropaic nature. Some fantastic examples include the Archangel/Saint Michael, Hekate, Apollo, and Zeus.
  • You may also want to consider making regular offerings to the spirits around your home and the land itself. Remembering your neighbors is a particularly good thing to do around this time.

There are a variety of uncrossing and protection rituals in Jason Miller’s book as well that can help. I can’t recommend that book enough honestly, especially since so much of it covers Hekate. But I readily admit that it may be a personal bias on my part since Hekate has been so very helpful to me in my own work.

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