
I am of the Raven clan. I follow The Morrigan. I am a Witch.

And I have an online coven for solitary practitioners to have a community.
When I envisioned this, I wanted it to be eclectic, like I am. I started out as a traditional Irish Witch, the son and grandson of traditional Irish Witches. But I've studied a lot of schools of Magick over the years. And I have interest in learning more. So we have everything from Witches to Ceremonial Magickians, Voodoo practitioners to Satanists, Wiccans to Chaos Mages. The purpose of the coven is for an eclectic group of solitary practitioners, Witches and Magick users, to share a community, learn and teach, share experiences, agree upon and act on common goals, observe pagan holidays, compile a Book of Shadows, help and heal each other... to be in a coven as much like a real world coven as possible. 
Maybe you are interested. If so, PLEASE PM ME and let's talk. You may add me if you wish, I will accept all friends right now.

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Moon Phase Today

***Discord Chat***

Now First Wednesday of the month from

7:30 PM EST till 9PM EST.

UNLESS it is on the 3rd it will then be on Wednesday


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