
Original Link: https://thewitchinghour.ning.com/groups/the-solitary-druids-from-the-north/history/the-journey-with-which-gods-in-druidism


by Veigsidhe Karvgwenn


Is there really a dualism between Druidism and Asatrù or Numinism?
We can often ask the question. Is there really a dualism and if so this dualism is authentic? Historical? Or valid? For example Goddesses like Hecate, Freya or Athena do not have something to teach the Druids? Just like Thor, Odin or Zeus? Then we must stop at the Gaulish gods alone? Or worse honor the gods who are a mix between two other like the Dagodeuos/Dis Pater/ Dis ater (Dagda + Pluto) or (Cernunnos+ Hades). It is necessary to know that Pluto is the Roman name of Hades, perhaps it is better to honor directly this god as Dis Pater as it is the case in Stregheria/Vecchia?
What then to do? To ask the question and see what works, to talk about it with the gods if it is possible, otherwise find the answer itself. With time and hour.


Far too many people take the lead between them about pantheons in pagan practices, in France it is mainly the Asatru in front of Druidism (Reconstructionist Gaul) this last attempt to impose a form of Gaulish hegemony (while the peoples called themselves «Gauls» by the Romans named themselves among themselves by their tribe names) and the Asatrù are very possessive with their pantheon and one is the other seems to know better than their Gods what it is last background of their knowledge, or will choose or search among the officiants and the people who will interact with them. In what purpose and for it purposes? I myself who have frequent contacts in my practices of the Imbas Forsonai or Seidr. I don’t always understand everything. How could I anyway have my modest place in existence?
There are people who call the Druids a Pacific person and the Asatruars an aggressive person. I met aggressive people, as well as peaceful people in each other’s homes.

Druidism speaks of the Earth at least as much as it does of us (in my humble opinion, it is not about "us" at all, despite the New Age imperative that everything should be about "us"). Your ancestors are part of the land now.
These ancestors, anyway, are so recent, go a little further and further back if you feel they are in conflict with each other. We are all homo sapiens or Indo-Europeans at the end of the day.
One of the disadvantages of Druidism is that with the Paganarcht or Paganry approach there can be a forced closure on what is only Celtic and in France on what is Gallo-Roman.It’s a small stepping stone and not a straitjacket as it sometimes becomes.
I find that the paths following "Druidry", "Heathenry" and "Paganry" can and must be interconnected when studied the history of Druidism and the religion of the Celts in Europe in the Antique and Middle Ages periods, and are just as "peaceful" and "aggressive".
It is a false statement on the part of everyone to say that you must be peaceful to belong to one or more of these groups.

When we really study the history of our family or our part of the country, we can find with sincerity the peoples who met them or who we trade and create alliances, then for example the Celto-Liguria in Provence or the Norse-Gaels in Scotland. This is a good thing, it allows us to explore the different traditions linked to these not so distant ancestors, or closer when you resume the path of your family or clan.

The human element is the most important in traditions. I am very, very faithful to my ancestors and I hold traditions for every bloodline very dear. As I explore these areas of tradition, my way of life, I find a lot of myself in them.
I understand Druidism how it works as a profound philosophy and it makes sense to me. This corresponds to my conviction with the "structure of life", but the pantheon of continental Celtic divinities does not really suit me. The Gaelic and British pantheon (island) and the Nordic Pantheon suit me better, even if the idea ofbeyond in Heathenry/Asatrù does not tend to correspond to what is to be studied in Druidic groups or what is reported in Celtic Myths, the practices of L'imbas or the Seidr (ritualized astral travel) taught me much more and much better, which allows me to see the links between Asgard/Valhalla and Tir-Nan-Og/Tara or between Cyrtaul/Helheim, in these places the same things often happen and the gods engage in the same activities.

Modern Heathenry (or Asatrù) and modern Druidism are interpretations of things through modern eyes and experiences. We know relatively little about our Druid ancestors of the Bronze Age/ early Iron Age and their belief systems are very obscure. We know more about the Viking religious practice, as Scandinavia was late in converting to Christianity and had commercial ties around the world. We know that the Vikings used the Finns as court magicians and would have fallen on their non-Indo-European pantheon. But we are not ancient Celts, nor Vikings, and therefore all we adopt is a conscious choice.

the connection with the origin of my family and to honor these lines while fitting into my personal convictions and finding "something deeper". And the practices of the Ancient Druids are poorly known, we do not know everything and therefore bycreation or reconstruction as well as use in our modern era can I think have a form of freedom in what we do and in the teaching or the bonds that we have of our gods.

For example of the oldest form of Triads that remains to us says "Honor the gods, does not do evil and be brave" The notion of courage or manhood in the original text is very clear, do not do evil also, however "honours the gods" there is no mention of a particular pantheon? We know we have to honor the gods and we don’t need to know more after all! To honor the gods of our ancestors, our fathers and our mothers or simply the gods who present to us the gold of our rituals, our trances, in our dreams or who guide us and deliver us a wisdom in our astral journeys...

You can look for differences and divisions, but if you draw lines, then you must stand on one side or the other, or be torn forever. Or you can look for a set of practices, allegiances that make sense to you and reflect the fact that we are all of the same blood. You don’t have to worship the same gods forever, unless you promise them you will, and you don’t have to follow a list prescribed by someone else. Our ancestors used different gods for different purposes, and we have to do the same, but our goals are necessarily different, because our lives are different.

My personal opinion is that we all have to find our own way along the way and although we may stumble or look for guides and teachers, The final decision in this matter is always between you and your little inner voice. Use what resonates in your bones and put aside what isn’t, you can always come back later (and walking in circles and spirals in our lifes ), so just be careful not to throw the baby with the bathwater into a sad cauldron, especially if it looks like an amphora?

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