
Original Post: Oct 13th 2015

The Realms:


*Holy Realms – The home of the holy Gods and beings of light.


*Astral Realm – The spiritual realm just above the physical realm in which the soul travels during astral projection and spirits stay who do not wish to pass on to the next life.


*Other Realms – The realm of other kin that are not of the Shadows.


*Physical Realm – The realm that the physical body inhabits; the seen or known.


*Shadow Realm (the) – The underworld or realm of Vampyres and all Dark kin.






Adjourned – Over as in an end to a meeting, Ritual, or chat (Meeting is adjourned).


Ambient Vampyr – A Vampyr who feeds on Ambient Energy. Ambient Energy is the excess energy people leave behind.


*Aroma Vampyrism - Feeding by smelling your target; breathing in the energy also works.


*Astral realm (the) – The spiritual realm just above the physical realm in which the soul travels during astral projection and spirits stay who do not wish to pass on to the next life.


Astral projection – a point at which your spirit leaves your body to feed (often at night during your sleep).

Astral Vampyrism - Feeding through astral projection or astral magick.


There are several methods of Astral feeding to enhance the amount of Life force or Energy you get as well as effect the way the Target, Victim, or Life Giver perceives this Feeding. These methods often charges up a great amount of energy as it awakens strong emotions in you target or victim.


1. Night Terror* or Fear FactorThis method is used to terrorize or scare your target or victim and they often believe they are having a nightmare (Fear as well as pain are very strong source of energy)…


2. Tantric Eroticism*A method using sexual overtones or having sex with your Target during your night feedings (Sex and orgasm is a very strong source of energy)…


3. Ritual or Dramatic*Using ritual symbolism or dramatic over tones to your night visitation during feeding. (These can also release high energy levels)…


Aura – The energy shell surrounding a person that is easiest to feed from; it is the excess life force each person gives off when feeding on ambient energy.


Awakening – Becoming Aware of your Vampyr nature.


*Aye – Yes or let it be so.


*Banished – Excommunicated, Sin Nomine (with out name), Banned, or kicked out of the community.


Beacon – An energy signature Vampyres tend to give off to recognize other Vampyres.


Blood Bars - Rumored underground haven’s that are very secretive said to have stored blood for reserves.


Blood bond or *Life Force bond – A bond between a Vampyr and there donor that becomes stronger over much feeding and can be hard to break so be cautious of your donors that they are and you are stable enough for such a bond. Also a blood bond can happen between two who are entered into a Vampyric bonding of souls or marriage.


Blood Fetishist – One who is sexually turned on by blood or has an unusually love of blood. This may or may not be a Vampyr but does not make a person a Vampyr.


Blood Junkie – One who is addicted to blood and sometimes lacks control over it but not always.


Bloodletting – The physical act of extracting blood from someone.


Blood play – The act of using blood in a sexual nature as a blood fetishist would.


Chakra – the Energy Centers of the body, each relate to specific power points in which one may utilize to grow in power. You may also focus on these to drain others during Vampyric workings.


Chi or Qi – Spiritual energy, Psychic energy, or Life force contained in all living things. It is all around us as ambient energy emitting from all living things so we there for must drain from it and grow strong.


There are many points explained in several cultures but the main key points are below:


    1. Spirit or Soul: The highest point of energy located in the third eye or head…


    1. Pranic CenterThe next highest point of energy located in the heart area of the individual…


    1. TantricA very high energy point of Tantric or sexual vampyres located around the genitalia…


Clinical Vampyrism - Also called simply Renfield’s syndrome and traditionally known as clinical vampirism and used to describe an obsession to drink blood in the medical community.


Coming out of the Coffin – Opening about being a Vampyr.


Court (Vampyr) – Monthly meetings in the local Vampyr Community.


Coven – See Temple or household.


Cutters – People who cut them selves and sometimes to either ease there pain or like the feel of cutting. This is not a Vampyric trait as it is a waist of our life energy and blood which is very valuable to us. This may be a donor trait however?


**Dark Blessings – Vampyr fare thee well used in the Temple.


**Dark Greetings – Vampyr Salutations or hello used in the Temple.


Donor, ***Life Force Giver, or Source - One who gives a small portion of there life force energy or blood to a Vampyr companion. They give this to us willingly and should be respected as such for the precious life they give to us voluntarily.


Elder – A prominent member of the Vampyr community who is respected and honored for there knowledge and experience gained. Being in Elder is gained through ones constant awakening and can happen over many lifetimes as a Vampyr and not just this one. Every one of us is different and our awakenings and knowledge is often different.


Embrace – Like a hug but to show affection to another person or Vampyr.


Emotional Vampire (Vampyr) – A person Vampyr or not who drains people of there emotional energy often making them depressed and overly tired. The Vampyr Community is not proud of these things but it is not a common practice among Vampyres who know what they are or how to control it. This is against the common rules of the Vampyr community. Sometimes a Psychological Vampyrism and Often mentally unstable and draws attention to themselves to take in negative energy or emotions.


Energy Junkie – One who is addicted to energy in all its forms and sometimes lacks control over it but not always.


Energy Signature – The energy waves given off by each individual person and are unique to each person; this like there aura which is unique to them as well.


Fashion Vampyre – Usually not a Vampyr but just dresses up like the typical stereotype. Many Vampyres dress up to obtain energy and feed but Fashion Vampyres just want to play Vampyr but do not need to feed.


Feeding - the act of drinking blood or vital energy.


Fed from (being) – Having your energy taken or blood given to a Vampyr.


Grazing – Randomly feeding on anyone without using precautions (testing) first. This act is looked down upon because it can be very unsafe and dangerous.


Haemotomania - strong craving for blood.


Haemotophilia – A strong attraction to the taste, smell, and site of blood.


*Holy Realms (the) – The home of the holy Gods and beings of light.


Human – A normal human or someone who is not a Vampyr


Hunger (The) or the Thirst – The desire to feed and if not met could lead a Vampyr to do bad things. There are also substitutes to help calm the hunger for a Sanguis Vampyr such as Clamato juice, V8 juice, chocolate milk, Mochas, bitter coffee, or rare steaks. I have even heard that orange juice helps too.


Hunter – People looking to kill Vampyres because they are either crazy or misguided.


Hunting or to Hunt – Going out into the night in search of food (energy).


Hybrid Vampyr – See Universal Vampyr


Incubus (Tantric Vampyr) - Is Vampyr who feeds on Sexual energy; including orgasm and sexual attraction. There is also a small amount of plasma in cum. The Plural of Incubus is Incubi. A succubus is the female form of an Incubus.


*Inner Temple - Members who have been initiated into the Temple and are usually pretty active in the Temple. They have been initiated into one or more of our Vampyr Order’s.


Initiated (Initiate / Initiation) – Voted into the inner membership of TempleUVUP and gone through the initiation ritual.


Latent Vampyr – One who has not realized that he is a Vampyr yet if at all? It is our job to make our kin aware of there nature if they are ready.


Lifestyler (Vampyre) – lives the life style of the Vampyr; this person may or may not be a Real Vampyr.


**Lilithian or ***Laylian - A follower of Lilith/Layla.


Luciferian – A follower of Lucifer.


Mundane – The normal or average.


*Namaste - The God in me greets the God in you.


NeoVampire – One who studies or practices the new age Vampire movement but is not an actual Vampyr. (New age Vampire).


“Of the Blood” – Term used for those who are Vampyres. They are of the blood.


OtherKin – Those who have souls that are other than human. Vampyres are a subcategory of this group.


*Other Realms – The realm of Other kin that are not of the Shadows.


*Outer Temple – Most members who have joined TempleUVUP but have limited participation; they only have some knowledge and participation in the Temple.


“Out of the Coffin” - See “coming out of the coffin”


*Physical realm (the) – The realm that the physical body inhabits; The seen or known.


Pranalerian - A more traditional Term for donor or life force giver created by Rev Samilyn.


Pranavore – A more traditional Term for Vampyr or eater or human energy created by Rev Samilyn.


Prana or Pranic Energy – See CHI or Life force.


Physical Vampyrism – (Touch Vampyrism) Feeding by touching someone or something.


Poser or Wanna be (wants to be) – Someone who pretends to be something they are not.


Psi Psychic or *Energy Vampyr – One who feeds on Pranic energy, Chi, or Life force (although my personal belief is all Vampyres feed on energy and the life force).


Psychic Attack – Is an unwelcome draining of ones Psychic Energy or Life Force.


Psychological Vampyrism – Also called Emo Vampire. One who is mentally unstable and draws attention to themselves to take in negative energy or emotions.


Renfield’s Syndrome - See clinical Vampirism (Vampyrism).


Rogue – One who is often causing trouble or violent situations.


Role-Player or RPGer – One who plays role playing games suck as Vampire: The Masquerade. Sometimes they take this into the Real Vampyr community and thinks games are reality; this is not something we in the Vampyr community support at all and they are often a problem.


**Sanguineus Vampyr – Blood drinker (Sanguavore or Sanguinarian).


Setian – A follower of SET.


*Shadow Realm (the) – The underworld or realm of Vampyres and all Dark kin.


Sigil or Vampyr Medallion** - The symbol of a Vampyr Temple, House, or Coven.




Solitary – One who prefers remain and work alone and not with a community.


**Spiritual FatherSpiritual Leader or Leader in the Vampyr community. Often this person is an Elder and very knowledgeable in Vampyrism and the community.


Succubus – A female form of an Incubus. The plural of Succubus is Succubi.


Sympathetic Vampyrism – Becoming like a Vampyr and having Vampyr like traits. This is often a result from being overly fed from.


Tantric *Vampyr (Incubus - Succubus) – is a sexual Vampyr who feeds on sexual energy. Through sexual attraction, intercourse, and orgasm ect.


Thirst (The) – See the Hunger


*Tiamatian – Follower of Tiamat.


Universal Vampyr - A Vampyr who feeds on both blood as well as the various forms of psychic energy. I believe all Vampyres are Universal naturally as this is in our nature though many seem to pick and choose only one or a few ways to feed for some personal reason or another; though they may not understand how to feed the other ways or may not like the taste of blood or feel for it.


Vamping out – Freaking out; usually from the need to feed.


Vampire (Vampyre) Aesthetic(s): The costume and look of the common Vampire Stereotypes. Aesthetics are often used to feed though the Vampyre Lifestylers often use this to look like Vampires.


**Vampyr Family – We are all Family in the Vampyr community and there are also smaller Families in each Temple, Coven, house, or group…


Vampyr Haven – A Vampyr night club or gathering place.


Vampyr House (household) – A common group of Vampyres united under a certain theme or ideals in the Vampyr community.


**Vampyrian – My belief that Vampyrism is a Spiritual condition which is that though we are humans we have a Vampyr Spirit or Soul so we are both Human as well as Demi-God. I believe Lilith is our dark mother; my personal belief is that Vampyrism is a product of her as well as the Fallen Angels, Demons, or Gods who decided to come to this realm mated with human females who bore Vampyr children or Dhampir.


*Vampyr Kin – Our brothers and sisters in the Vampyr community; other Vampyres.


*Vampyr Magick (VampyreCrafte) – The practice of manipulation energy to perform ones will to happen and change to occur through Vampyric means.


*Vampyr Temple or Coven – A Spiritual Vampyr Community such as ours who see Vampyrism as Spiritual in nature as well as a condition of the Soul.


**Vampyrian Spiritual Father/Mother – A teacher and spiritual leader of the Vampyrian Spirituality.

There are 3 ranks:

1. **Founding Father/Mother - Eldest Father/Mother – The highest magistrate and/or spiritual leader.

2. **Formal Father/Mother – One who aids and performs rituals when the Eldest or Founding Father cannot.

3. **Awakening Father/Mother – Just joining and learning (potential).


Visual Vampyrism - Feeding by focusing on your target through eye contact.

© Rev. JP Vanir

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